Adopt-a-Type Case
Project Description
The typecases in this lab need much love and attention, and we are long overdue for a proper type specimen reference catalog to make designing projects a bit easier. Some types may have been redistributed incorrectly, others may be dirty or dusty. For this task, I ask each of you to select one case of type, whether it’s a single typeface or a case that houses multiple typefaces (select one that is not on the list), and spend some time cleaning, organizing and tending to anything needed, taking care and note any issues you may encounter. As part of this process, you will use a 30 pt. slug and set some of the type for our specimen catalog. Depending on the point size, it may be a word, a sentence, or a fragment of a sentence. You may choose what to say, but try to set something that showcases the diversity of the typeface. As part of this process, clean the exterior of the case as well, noting if any new labels are needed, and apply a coat of paste wax to the rails. Type Specimens in draft catalog Punch List
Grading 10 points (as part of participation grade) Timeline 9/23: Introduction to Project 11/25: Case overhaul + Type Specimen Printing Due |