Deep Mapping/Collective Book
"As humans, we feel something when beholding a landscape. Places connect us to memories, to ideas, and to emotions. For humanist scholars, such qualities and their accompanying narratives are essential to inquiry. For geographers, the central tool is a map. At the meeting of the two are the fundamental problems of a deep map: How do we represent, by some sort of map interface or in some sort of compelling and visual way, the narratives, histories, memories, and emotions of a place?"
For this assignment, find inspiration or a point of entry from our readings on deep mapping, and choose a place, dream or even a single scene as a starting point for a more personal piece in the form of an editioned folded folio (1 sheet of paper
folded twice = four pages). Each of you will produce enough copies for each student to exchange in the class, plus two more (one for me and one that will be collected in Rare Books & Collections at the Hayden Library). After you have completed your printed pages, we will come up with a title and design and produce the cover and end sheets, binding the final books together towards the end of the semester. 20 points: 5 Conceptual development/Dummy 5 Design, 5 Craftsmanship 5 Completion Timeline: Critique of finished pages: 2.26 Book Production: 4.07–4.28 |