En|Space Research Publication
Explore some aspect relating to the themes in this course that interest you and delve into it to share with the class. You will create a minimum 500 word report (undergrads) or 700 word report (grads) with supporting images, and present them in two 11˝ x 17˝ pages, or four 8.5˝ x 11˝ pages for a group zine that we will digitally publish on our website as a PDF.
Some possibilities for topics might include researching a particular artist that relates to your work, or looking at something that links several artists together, a technique that interests you, a book that you may have seen at Rare Books & Collections or in a presentation in class, a printshop, collective, etc. We will have some Illustrator and Photoshop demos to assist with the design of your pages. Guest artist Sarah Bodman will juror the best art research pages from fall 2024/ spring 2025, and a compilation of her curated student works will be published on Blurb as a physical zine that you can purchase at the end of the academic year. See past publications here. Guidelines
15 points: 3 Conceptual development/Problem Solving 3 Composition + Design 3 Craftsmanship 3 Quality + Quantity 3 Contribution to Critique Timeline 2.24/ Introduction to Project 3/03: Proposals for pages due 3/26: InDesign demo 4/23: Files due |
Examples of beautifully designed magazine spreads
Examples of past student spreads