The Broadside: Tradition & Deconstruction
Project Prompt
A broadside is a large sheet of paper printed on one side only. Historically, broadsides were used as posters, announcing events or proclamations, political views, commentary or advertisements. Today, broadside printing is done by many smaller printers and publishers as a fine art variant, with poems often being available as broadsides, intended to be framed and hung on the wall. For this prompt, design a multi-run broadside, or series of broadsides. Consider layering transparencies of wood type, pressure prints, vintage cuts, photopolymer, or finely set metal foundry type. Will your broadside be political, personal, or abstract? Will it use both text and image or one or the other solely? A Little More History Historically, broadsides were designed to be plastered onto walls as a form of street literature, or ephemera (temporary documents created for a specific purpose and intended to be thrown away). They were one of the most common forms of printed material between the sixteenth and nineteenth centuries. The sheets on which broadsides were printed could also be folded, twice or more, to make small pamphlets, broadsheets or chapbooks. Collections of songs in chapbooks were known as garlands. Broadside ballads lasted longer in Ireland, and although never produced in such huge numbers in North America, they were significant in the eighteenth century and provided an important medium of propaganda, on both sides, in the American War of Independence. (Wikipedia) Project Guidelines
Grading 25 points: 5 Conceptual development/Problem Solving 5 Composition + Design 5 Craftsmanship 5 Quality + Quantity 5 Contribution to Critique Timeline Critique: Dec. 4th |